Service for banks and investors Due to our deep knowledge of many food and food ingredients markets, C+I Consult can assist you whenever you deal with a company out of the area of: food production food ingredients bakery - craft and industrial Service for food companies We know many food segments and food ingredient areas. This leads to a broad view of possibilities for the players on these markets. With our experience on the German, European and many worldwide markets, we can be your partner for Build your food ingredients market in Germany and Europe Germany with more than 82 Mio. people, Europe with 740 Mio. People are very interesting markets. A powerful food industry and craft manufacturing, more than 10.000 bakeries, over 15.000 meat processors, only in Germany, build a large potential market. But Germany has firm structures, large burocracy and is an unbelievable closed market. Many foreign companies have payed for their “learning curve”. C+I Consult works more than 35 years in that market, specialized in the food and food ingredients market. We know how to deal with government, institutes, associations, universities, and most important, with customers. This gives us a clear view on your potential. We first analyze your product portfolio and find chances at your potential customers. Than we create a project planning, positioning, customer oriented argumentation and all neccessary measures. All further services like building a B2B sales organization, creation of a marketing strategy or even interim management, can be expected from C+I Consult. Challenge us! C+I Consult Concept + Implementation C stands for Concept I stands for Implementation Impressum Hinweise Cookies